At the beginning of the second week of July 2014, the number of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel has increased significantly, and the lives of millions of civilians were put in harm's way as a result.
Currently, Magen David Adom, the Israeli National Society and the National EMS Service is required to uphold the highest level of alert in response to the rocket attacks by operating hundreds of ambulances. The main challenge is to be ready for any escalation, prepared to respond to any event that might unfold, along with providing routine Emergency Medical services for the people of the Israel.
Although the organization's resources are stretched to the limit, the MDA Director General, Eli Bin, instructed that the regular humanitarian activities, including transferring sick and injured people from the Gaza border to hospitals in Israel, will not cease.
"Despite the high preparedness and vigilance levels, MDA are required to keep in mind that our humanitarian mission is still here", said Bin. "Saving lives has no borders, and MDA will spare no efforts to alleviate the suffering of every human being".
Yesterday afternoon an urgent appeal has been made to MDA, requesting the transfer of a two weeks old baby from the Gaza border to a hospital near Tel Aviv, due to a congenital heart disease.
MDA Lachish region team was sent to the Erez crossing, where they met a Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance team, moved the baby into Israel and took him to the hospital near Tel Aviv. Due to the danger of rocket fire, the team was forced to wear their personal protective equipment while handling and transferring the patient to the hospital.
Ironically, despite the state of the art medical care the baby receives in the hospital in Israel, he and his family are now under threat of missile attacks from the Gaza Strip.